Posts Tagged ‘ advisors matcht ’

Independent Marketing Organization

Finances are complicated.  Taxes are complicated.  Trying to put them together on my own is impossible.  A financial company that doesn’t provide tax advice to clients doesn’t make any sense.  I can’t trust a company’s business recommendations if they can’t even explain to me how these decisions will affect my taxes.  The days of “See your CPA or tax consultant; we don’t render tax advice” are over.  Advisors Match is an independent marketing organization that can connect your business with the Gilman & Ciocia tax firm.  There should be no reason why your financial firm has no insight on how taxes will affect your clients’ finances.  Instead of making clients question the quality of your financial firm, use the independent marketing organization to team up with Gilman & Ciocia today.

Simply put, a well-established tax firm does the taxes for you.  This will completely transform the level of trust your company builds with its clients.  After they do the work for you, you can review the taxes with your clients in order to give them more accurate and trustworthy financial advice.  This tax and finance combination done by an independent marketing organization would eliminate the completion you face now.  Why would anyone trust the financial services of a rival company when they can receive both financial advice and tax preparation from you?

Advisors Match is an independent marketing organization very familiar with how to team up financial firms with tax preparation.  That’s because they created the idea.  The idea of combining tax services with any business that deals with finances should have been implemented a long time ago.  Now that it’s an option, no potential client would rather handle their finances and taxes separately when an independent marketing organization can bring them together.

The lack of tax advice your company can provide to clients leaves them unsure about the overall financial advice you give.  An independent marketing organization gives your clients one less thing to worry about.  It gives your company one more thing that makes it better than competitors.  Be the first in your area to provide this tax service to your clients with no extra effort from your company.